Connect is a valuable ministry - we’re the first people guests meet, and in some instances, the first Christians they've met! Then there’s welcoming our regulars well too. And all in a way that reflects of the welcome of our Lord Jesus. That’s a big task and sometimes there’s more to it than we thought!

Connect Training is a chance to get together, be reminded of what we're about and discuss what's most helpful in terms of welcoming people well. It's an important time for us as a team and we'd love to have you there.

Please pay at the same time you register. Make payments to the Christ Central Church Account. Include your name in the reference.


Reference: Connect_{Name}
Account Name: Christ Central Presbyterian Church
BSB Number: 034083
Account Number: 229374

Thank you! Looking forward to a great time together!


Ange Keegan (0423 107 472) (re: lunch)

Kirk Zylstra (0432 575 925)